Thursday, July 1, 2010

30 Day Shred

Ok, so my personal goal for the wedding is to have Michelle Obama arms. I have enough on my plate to stress/obsess/worry about, and I refuse to add weight loss to to the list. I have always struggled with my weight, but am I actually pretty happy with how I look. I was SO physcially active when I was in Israel and Europe, and I really want to get back to that. At home, I am very much a couch potato, and could DEFINITELY stand to move around more. I'm not sure that completely overhauling J and I's lifestyles is really what we want to do, but incorporate some extra exercise and better food habbits is certainly something that I want to do.

I think that it's important to start a marriage on healthy terms. Both J and I could easily sit on the couch all day, eat take-out and never move except to reach for the remote or grab another drink. I think that we would both end up fat and miserable ... and that now is the time to turn the tide against that. Are J and I EVER going to train for a marathon for fun? Absolutely not, but I would like to get into shape so that when we have kids we have the energy to chase them around the house and then help them practice for whatever sport they choose.

I'm currently a size 18. I would like to be a size 10 for the wedding :) I don't care about the pounds, as long as I look and feel good. Oh, and have Michelle Obama arms :)